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Green is the predominant color of vegetation throughout much of the growing season. The characteristic green color of plants is the effect of chlorophyll dye, which is present in significant amounts in plant leaves. Chlorophyll has been dubbed the “Liquid Sun” because it absorbs solar energy. There is a saying that goes: “Green inside, clean inside.” Living organisms belonging to the Plant Kingdom are made up of different types of cells, which can be divided into two large groups: the first is responsible for all the metabolic activities of the plant, while the second is metabolically inactive and serves to conduct fluids through the plant or as a mechanical support. Metabolically active cells (parenchymal cells) contain all biochemically important cell organelles. Plastids are organelles characteristic of plant cells – or more precisely, they are a family of organelles with proplastids as a precursor, from which chloroplasts, chromoplasts, amyloplasts and etioplasts develop. Chloroplasts containing a photosynthetic apparatus are usually green. They are found mainly in leaf cells, but are also present in all other green tissues. All chloroplasts contain the dye chlorophyll. Its name comes from ancient Greek words: chlorós = green and phyllon = leaf. Dyes are chemical compounds that reflect only a certain wavelength of visible light. This makes them appear “colored”. Flowers, corals and even animal skin contain a dye that gives them their own colors. More important than the reflection of light is the ability of the pigments to absorb certain wavelengths. In the bright phase of photosynthesis, there are three basic classes of dyes: chlorophylls – greenish pigments; carotenoids – usually red, orange or yellow pigments; here we include the well-known carotene which gives the carrot color; phycobilins – water-soluble pigments present in the cytoplasm or in the stroma of the chloroplast; they occur only in cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteria) and red algae (Rhodophyta). All these pigments are chromoproteins (dye-protein complexes), having a protein and a non-protein (prosthetic) component. present in the cytoplasm or in the stroma of the chloroplast; they occur only in cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteria) and red algae (Rhodophyta). All these pigments are chromoproteins (dye-protein complexes), having a protein and a non-protein (prosthetic) component. present in the cytoplasm or in the stroma of the chloroplast; they occur only in cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteria) and red algae (Rhodophyta). All these pigments are chromoproteins (dye-protein complexes), having a protein and a non-protein (prosthetic) component.


Chlorophyll, the prosthetic group of a special class of phytochromoproteins, is a greenish dye. In organic chemistry, chlorine is a large heterocyclic aromatic ring, consisting – at the core – of four pyrrole rings (called A, B, C, D) linked by methine bridges. An E-ring is attached to the chlorine structure, ultimately forming the macrocyclic phorbine molecule. In nature, there are two important chromoproteins that contain pyrroles in their structure. They are: phorbine – present in the plant kingdom, which is a macrocyclic molecule with 5 aromatic rings and a magnesium ion (Mg2 +) in the center, and porphyrin – a macrocyclic molecule present in the animal kingdom, consisting of 4 aromatic rings with an iron ion (Fe2 +) in the center . Phorbine is part of the chlorophyll structure, while porphyrin is part of the hemoglobin structure of the blood. Phorbine has various side chains, usually containing a long phytol chain. A specific protein chain is attached to this prosthetic group. In 1915, Dr. Richard Willstatter won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of the chemical structure of chlorophyll – the lattice of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen atoms surrounding a single magnesium atom. Fifteen years later, in 1930, Dr. Hans Fisher was awarded the Nobel Prize for unraveling the chemical structure of hemoglobin. He was surprised to discover that it resembled the chemical structure of chlorophyll. Hemoglobin (consisting of heme and globin) is the dye that gives red blood cells their red color, just as chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants their green color. When Dr. Fisher separated heme from its associated protein molecule, he observed the main difference between it and chlorophyll. In the case of the heme, the central ion is Fe2 +, bound to the porphyrin, and in the case of the chlorophyll molecule, the central ion is Mg2 +, attached to the phorbine. In the chlorophyll molecule, Mg2 + is connected to the porphyrin system by coordination bonds – in plants where the content of this ion is high, about 6% of the total amount of Mg2 + is associated with chlorophyll. The thylakoid – stabilized by Mg2 + – is important for the efficiency of photosynthesis, allowing the transition phase to occur. Probably the greatest amounts of Mg2 + are taken up by chloroplasts during light-induced development from proplastide to chloroplast or thioplast to chloroplast. Then, the synthesis of chlorophyll and the biogenesis of the thylakoid membrane stack absolutely require divalent cations. Issue, Whether Mg2 + is able to pass into and out of chloroplasts after the initial development phase has been the subject of many conflicting reports. Deshaies et al. (1984) found that Mg2 + migrated to and from chloroplasts isolated from young pea plants, but Gupta and Berkowitz (1989) were unable to replicate these results using chloroplasts of old spinach. Deshaies et al. stated in their paper that the chloroplasts of the old peas showed less significant changes in Mg2 + content than those used to form their conclusions. Perhaps the relative percentage of immature chloroplasts present in the formulations could explain these observations. The metabolic state of chloroplasts varies with the time of day. During the day, the chloroplast actively collects light energy and converts it into chemical energy. Under the influence of light, the chemical composition changes steep, which activates the metabolic processes involved. H + ions are removed from the stroma (both to the cytoplasm and the lumen), leading to an alkaline pH. In the electron neutralization process, Mg2 + ions (along with K + ions) are removed from the lumen to a steep gradient to balance the flow of H + ions. Ultimately, the thiol groups of the enzymes are reduced as a result of changes in the redox state of the stroma components. Examples of enzymes that are activated in response to these changes are fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, sediheptulose bisphosphatase, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. If these enzymes are activated in the dark, wasteful circulation of products and substrates could occur. H + ions are removed from the stroma (both to the cytoplasm and the lumen), leading to an alkaline pH. In the electron neutralization process, Mg2 + ions (along with K + ions) are removed from the lumen to a steep gradient to balance the flow of H + ions. Ultimately, the thiol groups of the enzymes are reduced as a result of changes in the redox state of the stroma components. Examples of enzymes that are activated in response to these changes are fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, sediheptulose bisphosphatase, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. If these enzymes are activated in the dark, wasteful circulation of products and substrates could occur. H + ions are removed from the stroma (both to the cytoplasm and the lumen), leading to an alkaline pH. In the electron neutralization process, Mg2 + ions (along with K + ions) are removed from the lumen to a steep gradient to balance the flow of H + ions. Eventually, the thiol groups of the enzymes are reduced as a result of changes in the redox state of the stroma components. Examples of enzymes that are activated in response to these changes are fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, sediheptulose bisphosphatase, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. If these enzymes are activated in the dark, wasteful circulation of products and substrates could occur. The thiol groups of the enzymes are reduced as a result of changes in the redox state of the stroma components. Examples of enzymes that are activated in response to these changes are fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, sediheptulose bisphosphatase, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. If these enzymes are activated in the dark, wasteful circulation of products and substrates could occur. The thiol groups of the enzymes are reduced as a result of changes in the redox state of the stroma components. Examples of enzymes that are activated in response to these changes are fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, sediheptulose bisphosphatase, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase. If these enzymes are activated in the dark, wasteful circulation of products and substrates could occur.

Two classes of enzymes can be distinguished which react with Mg2 + during the light phase of the chloroplast. First, enzymes most often interact with two magnesium atoms in the glycolytic process. The first atom is an allosteric modulator of enzyme activity, while the second atom forms the active part of the enzyme molecule and directly participates in the catalytic reaction. The second class of enzymes are those in which Mg2 + forms complexes with di- and triphosphate nucleotides (ADP and ATP), and chemical changes involve phosphoryl transfer. Mg2 + may also play a role in maintaining the structure of these enzymes (e.g. enolase). Chlorophyll was initially assumed to be a single component, but in 1864 Stokes demonstrated by spectroscopy that chlorophyll is a mixture. In 1912, Willstatter et al. that chlorophyll is a mixture of two fat-soluble components: chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. Currently, it is known that there are several types of chlorophyll, with the most important chlorophyll a. According to literature data, it forms chlorophyll-protein complexes, denoted as CP1, CP47 and CP43. It is a molecule that enables the photosynthesis process by transporting excited electrons to molecules that will produce sugars. All photosynthetic plants, algae and cyanobacteria contain chlorophyll a. This chlorophyll is present in all photosynthesizing eukaryotes and, due to its central role in the reaction center, is essential for photosynthesis. The second type of chlorophyll is chlorophyll b, which is found only in “green algae” and in plants. These two types of chlorophyll only slightly differ in the composition of the side chain (in “a” it is – CH3, in “b” it is – CHO). Both forms of chlorophyll are very effective photoreceptors because they contain an alternating network of single and double bonds. These two types of chlorophyll complement each other in absorbing sunlight. Plants can obtain their total energy requirements in the blue and red bands. However, there is still a huge spectral band, between 500-600 nm, in which very little light is absorbed. This is light in the green spectrum, and because it is reflected this is why plants appear green. Chlorophyll absorbs light so strongly that it can mask other, less intense colors. Most of these more delicate colors (from molecules such as carotene or quercetin) are only visible in autumn, when the chlorophyll molecule is broken down in the leaves – then the green color fades, revealing orange and red carotenoids. A third common form of chlorophyll called chlorophyll “c” is found only in members of the photosynthesizing Chromista (Chromista) as well as Dinoflagellates. The main process involving chlorophyll is photosynthesis, an important biochemical process by which plants, algae, protistans, and some bacteria convert solar energy into chemical energy that is used to carry out synthetic reactions such as sugar production and nitrogen fixation to amino acids. Ultimately, almost all living organisms depend on the energy produced by photosynthesis, causing that it is indispensable to the preservation of life on earth. It is also responsible for the production of oxygen, which makes up a large part of the Earth’s atmosphere. The following scientists make the greatest contribution to understanding the mechanisms of photosynthesis: the most famous English chemist, Joseph Priestley; the French chemist Antonie Lavoisier; the Dutch physicist Jan Ingenhousz; two chemists working in Geneva – Jean Senebier, Swiss pastor and Theodore de Saussure; German surgeon Julius Robert Mayer, who recognized that plants convert solar energy into chemical energy. the French chemist Antonie Lavoisier; the Dutch physicist Jan Ingenhousz; two chemists working in Geneva – Jean Senebier, Swiss pastor and Theodore de Saussure; German surgeon Julius Robert Mayer, who recognized that plants convert solar energy into chemical energy. the French chemist Antonie Lavoisier; the Dutch physicist Jan Ingenhousz; two chemists working in Geneva – Jean Senebier, Swiss pastor and Theodore de Saussure; German surgeon Julius Robert Mayer, who recognized that plants convert solar energy into chemical energy.


Chlorophyll and chlorophyllins are able to form strong complexes with certain chemicals known or believed to cause cancer. These are, among others polyaromatic hydrocarbons (found in tobacco smoke), certain heterocyclic amines (found in cooked meat) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1). Strong binding of chlorophyll or chlorophyllin to these potential carcinogens may interfere with their gastrointestinal absorption and reduce the amount that will reach sensitive tissues. Chlorophyllins are some of the most powerful antioxidants ever studied. It has been proven that chlorophyllin can neutralize several physically relevant oxidants in vitro, and some animal studies suggest that


Experimental studies have shown that chlorophyllin also exhibits anti-cancer activity. It is known that before some chemicals (also called procarcinogens) can initiate cancer development, they must first be metabolized into active carcinogens that can damage DNA or other specific molecules in sensitive tissues. Certain enzymes of the cytochrome P450 family are required for the activation of some procarcinogens, therefore their inhibition may reduce the risk of certain types of chemically induced tumors. In vitro studies indicate that chlorophyllin may reduce the activity of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Phase II biotransformation promotes the elimination of potentially harmful toxins and carcinogens from the body. According to the few results of animal studies, chlorophyllin may increase the activity of the phase II enzyme – quinone reductase. Another plausible explanation for the anti-tumor mechanism of some chlorophyll derivatives is that they act as interceptors, blocking the absorption of aflatoxins and other carcinogens from food. When chlorophyllin is co-administered with carcinogen, it forms a reversible complex with it. These properties are confirmed by the results of scientific research. It was also shown that chlorophyll demonstrated similar features against all tested carcinogens. A possible mechanism explaining the “catching” properties of chlorophyllin is the formation of complex, non-covalent bonds between carcinogen and chlorophyllin. The stronger the formation of complexes, the less chlorophyllin is needed for carcinogen capture. The complex formation is possible due to the hydrophobic interactions on the surface of chlorophyllin and the component. Another way to demonstrate the “trapping” effect of chlorophyll and its derivatives is through a molecular trap that renders the carcinogen unable to attack cells. The trap reduces the availability of carcinogen to the body, which is less exposed to carcinogens. In one detailed study of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri), chlorophyll appeared to only perform its functions when it was present in the diet at the same time as the carcinogen. It seems that the mechanism of “capturing” the component of chlorophyll can be used in humans. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a hepatic carcinogen that produced by certain species of mushrooms. It is present in moldy grains and legumes such as corn, peanuts, and soybeans. In warm, humid regions with inadequate grain storage conditions, high levels of AFB1 in food are associated with an increased risk of developing liver cancer. In the liver, AFB1 is metabolized into a carcinogen that can bind to DNA and cause a mutation. In animal models, the simultaneous administration of chlorophyll with exposure to food AFB1 significantly reduced the number of DNA damage induced by AFB1 in rainbow trout and rat livers and, depending on the dose of chlorophyll, inhibited the development of liver cancer in trout. in humid regions with inadequate grain storage conditions, the high content of AFB1 in food is associated with an increased risk of developing liver cancer. In the liver, AFB1 is metabolized into a carcinogen that can bind to DNA and cause a mutation. In animal models, the simultaneous administration of chlorophyll with exposure to food AFB1 significantly reduced the number of DNA damage induced by AFB1 in rainbow trout and rat livers and, depending on the dose of chlorophyll, inhibited the development of liver cancer in trout. in humid regions with inadequate grain storage conditions, the high content of AFB1 in food is associated with an increased risk of developing liver cancer. In the liver, AFB1 is metabolized into a carcinogen that can bind to DNA and cause a mutation. In animal models, the simultaneous administration of chlorophyll with exposure to food AFB1 significantly reduced the number of DNA damage induced by AFB1 in rainbow trout and rat livers and, depending on the dose of chlorophyll, inhibited the development of liver cancer in trout.


Chlorophyllins also play an important role in detoxifying the body’s internal environment to maintain health and life. Internal detoxification means all processes that neutralize, transform or remove toxins from the body through one or more of the following systems: • respiratory • digestive • urinary • skin, sweat, sebaceous and tears glands • lymphatic

Liver – One of the most important organs in the body that is involved in detoxifying or removing foreign substances or toxins. The task of glutathione, which is the most rich in sulfhydryl groups in the body, is to chelate and detoxify heavy metals. Mercury and lead have been shown to form complexes with glutathione, which are mainly eliminated from the body by bile, thereby reducing the amount of available glutathione. Methionine is the main source of sulfur in cysteine. Hepatocytes (liver cells) have difficulty taking up cysteine, while methionine is taken up more easily and then converted to S-adenosylmethionine, homocysteine, cystathionine and cysteine. Liver cells use methionine for growth and proliferation. The dependence of the growth of cancer or tumors on the presence of methionine is an artificial condition, caused by a previous failure of the transsulfuration and transmethylation mechanisms. Thus, if methionine availability is reduced, not only will the liver’s detoxifying capacity be impaired, but also less glutathione will be available to complex with foreign substances. Research results indicate that methionine deficiency itself can induce liver cancer in the absence of carcinogenic substances, and it can also help heavy metals to induce toxic effects. The colon is our body’s sewer. If it is not cleansed, the “waste” from all over the body will not be removed. The body’s tissues will not get rid of by-products if the colon is not working. The physiological systems are connected. When the colon is emptied, the body begins to “pull” toxins out of every possible place. Contaminants from the colon can “leak” and contaminate other organs. These organs can then be healed by natural methods – but only with partial effect – as they are constantly infected or irritated by colon poisons. A “clogged” colon forms diverticula, which are dimples in the wall of the colon that contain fecal material. If fecal material remains for too long, it begins to “leak” into the body and causes a condition known as autointoxication. The intestinal pockets “leak” pus, blood and fecal matter back into the blood stream. When the body is poisoned, cells cannot receive nutrients from the blood because the interstitial fluid surrounding the cells is clogged with ‘waste’ from slowly flowing lymph. Inner poisoning also causes depression and unhealthy thoughts. It is a vicious cycle. Most people, Instead of cleaning his intestines, to hide his unpleasant odor, he uses incense, air fresheners, deodorants, foot powder, lotions and mouth fresheners, toothpaste, perfumes and colognes. If the colon is not cleaned, other organs cannot get rid of their by-products. If a person does not cleanse the intestines, despite the removal of atherosclerotic plaques from the vessels – they will reappear in the body. Until the colon is cleansed, the vessels will never fully recover. The main task of the kidneys is to maintain the volume and composition of the extracellular fluid at a constant level. They have to do it in spite of the changing environment outside and the fluids supplied. Part of this task – but only part – is to remove some of the metabolic by-products from your body. which cells can no longer decompose. Thus, the main task of the kidneys is not to excrete, but to regulate. The kidneys have less control of intracellular water because if the kidneys are doing their job properly, each cell (largely an autonomous unit) will take or discard what it needs or not from the extracellular fluid. The kidneys keep everything we need at the moment, even more – they allow us to excess. Yes, they allow us to take in more than we necessarily need – for example, water and salt, and give off exactly as much as is not required at the moment. Ultimately, the kidneys protect our body’s fluid volume as well as its composition. According to some estimates, we are almost 3/4 of water, so in a fairly simple way – weighing yourself each day – you can judge the precision with which the kidneys achieve this result. Despite differences in diet, exercise, and fluid intake, the numbers remain constant. The kidneys perform their tasks with an accuracy of 1%, never worse than 5%, even under a wide variety of conditions. If the kidneys suddenly fail, death occurs within a few days, including because some of the waste that builds up is toxic to the heart, and it stops working. More interesting is how the kidneys can adapt to slow the destruction from dysfunction so that even 5% of total kidney function can be survived. The kidney has a greater reserve capacity in the event of disease than, for example, the heart or lungs. The kidneys perform their tasks with an accuracy of 1%, never worse than 5%, even under a wide variety of conditions. If the kidneys suddenly fail, death occurs within a few days, including because some of the waste that builds up is toxic to the heart, and it stops working. More interesting is how the kidneys can adapt to slow the destruction from dysfunction so that even 5% of total kidney function can be survived. The kidney has a greater reserve capacity in the event of disease than, for example, the heart or lungs. The kidneys perform their tasks with an accuracy of 1%, never worse than 5%, even under a wide variety of conditions. If the kidneys suddenly fail, death occurs within a few days, including because some of the waste that builds up is toxic to the heart, and it stops working. More interesting is how the kidneys can adapt to slow the destruction from dysfunction so that even 5% of total kidney function can be survived. The kidney has a greater reserve capacity in the event of disease than, for example, the heart or lungs. how the kidneys can adapt to slow down the destruction caused by the dysfunction so that up to 5% of total kidney function can be survived. The kidney has a greater reserve capacity in the event of disease than, for example, the heart or lungs. how the kidneys can adapt to slow down the destruction caused by the dysfunction so that up to 5% of total kidney function can be survived. The kidney has a greater reserve capacity in the event of disease than, for example, the heart or lungs.

Lymphatic system – water constitutes approx. 50-60% of the total body weight. 1/3 of our body’s fluid is extracellular fluid. Blood is only about 9% of all body fluids, and 62% is intracellular fluid. This means that approximately 27% of our fluids are lymph. Every cell in the body comes into contact with the interstitial fluid, which is made up of both blood and cell-derived substances. About 90% of the water and small molecules entering the interstitial fluid from the blood are reabsorbed by the local blood vessels. The remaining 10% of water, small molecules, protein, other large molecules present in the interstitial fluid collect in a network of thin vessels to form a lymph. Our body has 3 times more lymph than blood. Lymph nourishes even bone cells through small channels.

Lymphatic vessels form larger ducts that return to the bloodstream. These vessels are arranged along the length of the muscle tissue that pumps lymph through them. The lymphatic system collects toxins from all body cells, so its proper functioning is extremely important for the health of the entire body. Just as the air around us is in constant motion, the lymph surrounding the cells is in constant motion. Cells are better able to function better when they have fresh lymph around them filled with the right concentration of hydrogen, oxygen, glucose and all the other nutrients. Shutters that open in only one direction are found in all lymphatic channels. In large vessels, valves can be found every few millimeters, in smaller ones they are arranged much more densely. When the lymphatic vessels fill with lymph, the smooth muscles in the vessel wall automatically contract. Moreover, each segment of the lymph vessel between consecutive valves acts as a separate automatic pump. That is, filling the segment causes a contraction and fluid is pumped through the valve to the next lymphatic segment. The lymph fills in the next segment and a few seconds later, it also contracts. This process continues along the entire lymphatic system until finally the fluid from the thoracic duct flows back into the bloodstream into the right vena cava at the level of the lower collarbone. When a fresh supply of nutrients replaces cell by-products – toxins, bacteria, viruses, poisons, decay products – cells are healthier, and so are we. Removal of proteins from the interstitial space is an absolutely necessary function without which we could die within 24 hours. The colon is the primary organ through which mucilaginous substances are removed from the lymph. When the lymphatic system becomes full of mucilaginous substances, it creates a pressure that is felt throughout the body. It begins with a tightening of the muscles that become painful as the pressure increases. One of the functions of fever is to thin the lymph, improving its ability to flow through the walls of the colon. If the colon cannot cope with the necessary pace of cleansing the lymph, then the body uses the liver to do this work instead. The toxins taken up by the liver are secreted as components of the bile. When bile flow becomes excessive, bile flows back into the stomach, causing nausea. Most grasses are lymph purifiers, which is why sick animals eat grass. We can become aware of what problems can arise when the colon is blocked. When this happens, the by-products return to the lymphatic system. If this situation continues for a long time, the by-products back up into the tissues and disease can develop. Any part of the body can be affected by this process because the lymphatic system serves all the body’s cells. We can also get rid of toxins by sweating, for example during exercise. Our sinuses and skin can also be an additional elimination tool by which excess mucus or toxins can be released, such as sinus congestion or skin rashes, respectively. what problems can arise when the colon is blocked. When this happens, the by-products return to the lymphatic system. If this situation continues for a long time, the by-products back up into the tissues and disease can develop. Any part of the body can be affected by this process because the lymphatic system serves all the body’s cells. We can also get rid of toxins by sweating, for example during exercise. Our sinuses and skin can also be an additional elimination tool by which excess mucus or toxins can be released, such as sinus congestion or skin rashes, respectively. what problems can arise when the colon is blocked. When this happens, the by-products return to the lymphatic system. If this situation continues for a long time, the by-products back up into the tissues and disease can develop. Any part of the body can be affected by this process because the lymphatic system serves all the body’s cells. We can also get rid of toxins by sweating, for example during exercise. Our sinuses and skin can also be an additional elimination tool by which excess mucus or toxins can be released, such as sinus congestion or skin rashes, respectively. This process can affect any part of the body because the lymphatic system serves all the cells in the body. We can also get rid of toxins by sweating, for example during exercise. Our sinuses and skin can also be an additional elimination tool by which excess mucus or toxins can be released, such as sinus congestion or skin rashes, respectively. This process can affect any part of the body because the lymphatic system serves all the cells in the body. We can also get rid of toxins by sweating, for example during exercise. Our sinuses and skin can also be an additional elimination tool by which excess mucus or toxins can be released, such as sinus congestion or skin rashes, respectively.

Why is it so important to have a well-functioning body cleansing system?

Every day we are exposed to toxins, not only from external but also from internal sources. Thus, we can conclude that external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) sources poison or contaminate our body. The state of homeostasis means that our body is in internal balance. This balance is disturbed when we eat more than we can use or when we consume certain substances that are toxic. The toxicity of a substance may depend on the dose, frequency of administration, and strength of the toxin. This substance can cause an immediate or quick onset of symptoms, as many pesticides and some medications do; it is also possible – and it is much more common that negative effects only take longer to manifest themselves, such as, for example, exposure to asbestos leads to lung cancer.

What is a toxin?

In fact, it is any substance that causes irritation and / or serious effects in the body, interfering with our biochemical or organ functions. This could be due to drugs that have side effects or to physiological patterns that are different from our normal functions. Free radicals cause inflammation, accelerated aging and the degeneration of body tissues. Negative “ethers”, mental and spiritual influences, thought patterns, and negative emotions can also be toxins – both as stressors and by altering the body’s normal physiology and possibly causing specific symptoms. In the 21st. Toxicity is far more of a concern than ever before. Every day we are exposed to newer and stronger chemicals, air and water pollution, radiation and nuclear energy. We ingest new chemicals, use large amounts of various medications, consume more sugar and refined foods, and abuse various stimulants and sedatives ourselves. As a result, the number of many diseases is also increasing. Cancer and cardiovascular disease are the two most important of them. The next ones are arthritis, allergies, obesity and many skin problems. In addition, a wide range of symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, coughing, gastrointestinal problems and immunosuppression, can also be associated with intoxication. The most common mechanisms of exposure to toxic agents: inhalation (smoking, air pollution, tooth amalgam fillings), oral route (chemical residues in food, chemicals in water, drugs), injections (vaccines, tattoos), absorption (chemicals from synthetic materials, paints, plastics, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, sprayed on lawns) and irradiation (x-rays, nuclear power plants, nuclear testing, telephones and cell transmitters, computer and TV monitors, microwave devices, high voltage network , radio and satellite transmission). Most drugs, artificial food additives, and allergens can create toxic elements in the body. In fact, any substance can be toxic under certain conditions. Our body also produces toxins during its normal daily functions. Biological, cellular and physical activity produces substances that should be removed. Free radicals are biochemical toxins. Others are the result of fermentation, putrefactive and rancid processes in undigested food, as well as dehydration and eating disorders. This endogenous toxicity can also be the result of exogenous toxins that cause malnutrition and digestive disturbances through damage to the nervous, immune and enzyme systems. When not removed, these substances can cause irritation or inflammation of cells and tissues, inhibiting normal functions at the cellular, organ and body levels. Various microbes, fungi, and parasites also produce metabolic by-products that we need to deal with. Our thoughts and emotions as well as stress itself generate increased biochemical toxicity. The proper level of elimination of these toxins is essential for health. Obviously, a properly functioning body is designed to keep toxins at a certain level; the problem is with the excessive intake or production of toxins, or the disturbance of the elimination processes. The most common symptoms of poisoning include: headaches, fatigue, mucous membranes, digestive disorders, allergic symptoms and hypersensitivity to chemical, aromatic and synthetic environmental factors. Detoxification involves changes in diet and lifestyle as these methods reduce the amount of toxins ingested and improve their elimination. Avoiding chemicals of different origins, processed foods, sugar, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs minimizes your toxin burden. The next steps in the detoxification process are drinking the right amount of water,


Chlorophyllins can be used as an internal deodorant. Scientific research in the 1940s and 1950s revealed that topical chlorophyll showed deodorant properties on foul-smelling wounds. Based on these observations, clinicians began using oral chlorophyll in colonostomy and ileostomy patients to control fecal odor. The published case reports indicate that oral administration of chlorophyll decreased the subjective judgments of urine and faeces in people not controlling physiological functions.


Studies carried out in the 1940s showed that chlorophyllin solution slowed down the growth of some species of anaerobic bacteria in vitro and accelerated wound healing in experimental animals. On their basis, external use of chlorophyll ointments and solutions in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds in humans began. Based on a series of large uncontrolled studies in patients with difficult to heal wounds such as varicose and pressure ulcerations, it has been reported that topical chlorophyll accelerated the healing process more effectively than other commonly used drugs. In the late 1950s, chlorophyllin was added to an ointment containing papain and urea used for chemical wound debridement to reduce local inflammation, speed healing, and control odor. Sodium-copper chlorophyllin is a healing accelerator of already established historical importance. The main advantage of chlorophyllin appears to be that it is an anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory substance as it allows the prolonged use of the proteolytic components papain and urea, which on the other hand can induce inflammation and hemagglutination of capillaries. The favorable results of clinical trials are probably due to the fact that the proteolytic ointment (containing papain, urea and chlorophyllin) thoroughly cleans the wound of all necrotic tissues, and then maintains optimal circulation and drainage, allowing full access to hematological tissues and nutritional components. Smith suggests that the key to the beneficial properties of chlorophyllin is metabolic antagonism. by which the growth and activity of infecting bacteria are modified. The modification reduces the toxicity of certain bacterial metabolic products. At the same time, chlorophyllin promotes or stimulates the proliferation of normal cells, which in turn accelerates the wound healing process. Furthermore, the bacteriostatic action of chlorophyllin is responsible for the odor-controlling properties. Adsorption of aromatic ingredients plays a relatively minor role in this process.


liquid chlorophyll

Liquid Chlorophyll as a dietary supplement contains chlorophyllin (sodium-copper salt of chlorophyll), obtained from alfalfa, which is a concentrated source of chlorophyll “a” and “b”. Alfalfa is one of the most studied plants and one of the best sources of protein, chlorophyll, carotene, vitamin A (retinol), D (calciferol), E (tocopherols), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), K (phylloquinones), and several digestive enzymes. Due to its deep root system which allows for good absorption of minerals, alfalfa is a good source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and trace elements. Central European cultures have long used alfalfa as horse feed, providing the animals with increased speed and strength. They named her “Alfalfa,” which means – the father of all foods. Lucerne has been used for centuries by people around the world for general support and rejuvenation. Research suggests that it may inactivate food chemical carcinogens in the liver and small intestine before they have a chance to cause any harm to the body. It helps remove toxins and neutralize acids. Rich in chlorophyll and nutrients, it alkalizes and detoxifies the body, especially the liver. It should be noted that chlorophyllin is a mixture of sodium-copper salts obtained from chlorophyll. During the synthesis of chlorophyllin, the magnesium atom in the center of the ring is replaced with a copper atom and the phytol chain is removed. Unlike fat-soluble chlorophyll, chlorophyllin is water-soluble. Scientists aren’t sure how much (or any) chlorophyll is getting into the bloodstream. On the other hand, chlorophyllin molecules are able to “travel” throughout the body because the magnesium atom has been replaced by a copper atom. Copper, like iron, is an oxygen carrier. In fact, the chlorophyllin molecule is virtually identical to the heme molecule in our blood. Chlorophyllin has strong alkalizing properties at the gastrointestinal level, can benefit patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, helps remove body odor and bad breath, soothes sore throat, improves blood circulation, reduces indigestion and fatigue. It has a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune response, optimizes and maintains good health. Among its other advantages, many others can be mentioned, for example: strengthens cells against bacterial attacks, accelerates wound healing, is helpful in the treatment of stomach ulcers and facilitates regular defecation. Natural chlorophyll is non-toxic. The toxic effect is also not attributed to chlorophyllin, although it has been used in humans for over fifty years. When taken by mouth, chlorophyllin can make your urine or stools green, and your tongue may turn yellow or black. Diarrhea has been reported occasionally with oral administration. It can also cause a false positive result in the occult blood test. The product should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because the safety of chlorophyll or chlorophyllin has not been tested in this group of people. In mice, chlorophyllin attenuated some of the side effects of cyclophosphamide.

Prof. Garban Zeno,

Department of Biochemistry – Molecular Biology – Human Nutrition

Faculty of Nutrition Technology

Timisoara – Romania


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