CaliVita ® – 25 years of experience
Wherever it is possible we use natural raw materials in our nutritional supplements. The other main objective for us is to use as much herbal active ingredients from ecological farming as possible.
Besides relying on the latest scientific research and innovation we also build on the knowledge of traditional medicine proven by hundreds of years of experience in our use of herbal ingredients.
When developing products we give preference to organic compounds, which are more readily absorbed by the human system. We formulate our products in such a way that the synergies – or mutual boosting effects
CaliVita vitamins and nutritional supplements
Slow release
Our vitamins and multivitamins preferably come in a ‘slow release’ form in order to secure even vitamin and mineral levels in the body.
Liquid nutritional supplements
We also offer liquid nutritional supplements, which come in handy for those who find swallowing tablets and capsules problematic.
During the life-cycle of our products we monitor any changes in the recommended intake of the various vitamins and minerals and adjust the composition of our tablets and capsules accordingly.
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CaliVita Team
Eva je izgubila 7 kilograma tokom tromesečnog programa i uz to kaže da je veoma uživala u njemu. Sada je fit i veoma je srećna što se vratila u pređašnju formu. Eva kaže da je lako pratiti dijetu jer uz ovu novu metodu, obroci i dodaci ishrani zajedno imaju savršeno dejstvo.Toliko joj se sve to dopalo da i ne pomišlja da se vraća starim navikama! Njen favorit je proizvod Burn One, uz pomoću koga uspeva da obavi sve poslove a da na kraju dana nije preumorna, što joj pre nije polazilo za rukom. Pored toga ima bolju kondiciju i lakše savlada traku za trčanje. Voli da priprema i svoj Shake One sa ovsenim i bademovim mlekom i nije joj još dosadio ni jedan od proizvoda.
Jestem starszą seniorką w pełni sprawną i samodzielną. Czemu to zawdzięczam? Sobie i CaliVita® – ponieważ stosuje wiele suplementów diety tej firmy od 17 lat. Moja przygoda z CaliVita® rozpoczęła się w 1998 roku. Od kilku lat borykałam się z dolegliwościami sercowo-krzyżowymi (skoki ciśnienia, zwężenie naczyń mózgu, osłabiony wzrok i początki zaćmy, osteoporoza). W takiej sytuacji Triple Potency Lecithin idealnie spełnia swoje zadanie. Jest kluczowym czynnikiem prawidłowego działania mózgu i przewodzenia bodźców nerwowych.
In the 21st century, humankind faces problems affecting the entire world, such as an accelerated information society, increased industrial and agricultural production caused by overpopulation, environmental pollution, and greenhouse effects.
Due to the demands of our consumer society, an increasing number of people are having a hard time ensuring an adequate standard of living. This places an extra burden on them, both physically and psychologically. Due to the accelerated pace of living, we do not have time to eat or to rest properly. Meanwhile, it does not occur to us that stress and an inadequate intake of nutrients consumes the reserves of our bodies, which may lead to illness, or even to premature death.
However, we can change, at any time, if we so choose and the most effective factor for quality of life is our way of life.
Condition of our health:
CHLOROPHYLL Green is the predominant color of vegetation throughout much of the growing season. The characteristic green color of plants is the effect of chlorophyll dye, which is present in significant amounts in plant leaves. Chlorophyll has been dubbed the “Liquid Sun” because it absorbs solar energy. There is a saying that goes: “Green inside, clean inside.” Living organisms […]
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also referred to as ubiquinone is one of the important ensuring factors proper course of life processes cells. Due to the remarkable biological properties, it finds itself in the spotlight more and more specialists from many fields of medicine. THE BIOLOGICAL ROLE OF COQ10 CoQ10 is an essential element of the respiratory chain – taking part in […]
Don’t look for a magic solution to get rid of your extra kilos! Weight Loss Secrets they are much simpler than it may seem; they should only be used correctly and prudently. It is common for most of the people above 40 becomes obese. Unfortunately, currently the problem obesity starts as early as childhood. It can attributed to eating habits rather […]